« I knew again what happiness meant when I met SANAD », Samira, 33.
Samira has suffered years of police harassment, preventing her from working and providing a stable environment for her three children, whom she is raising alone. SANAD has been providing Samira with psychological and legal assistance ever since she entered the direct assistance program SANAD in 2020, that helped her obtain social welfare benefits and a free-of-charge healthcare scheme.
Samira is one of 932 beneficiaries accompanied by SANAD on the road to rehabilitation, since the program’s inception in 2013. SANAD offers victims of torture and ill-treatment and their families psychological, social, medical and legal support. Holistic assistance defined on a case-by-case basis according to the needs of each beneficiary, whether direct or indirect victims of institutional violence.
SANAD today publishes its activity report covering the period from January 2022 to June 2023. During this period, we welcomed 187 new beneficiaries and continued to care for hundreds of others who had entered the program in previous years.
SANAD changes lives
In this report, we share success stories, in all areas of direct assistance. We are proud of these success stories, which are the fruit of many years of experience of the SANAD team, but also of prolific collaborations with our professional partners, whether lawyers, doctors, psychologists, specialized associations or public institutions.
Compensation for physical and psychological harm, the resumption of professional activity, social reintegration, an end to police harassment, the conviction of officers responsible for violations, and compensation for victims are among the many ambitious but essential objectives that SANAD strives to achieve on a daily basis.
However, the road to rehabilitation is strewn with ever-increasing obstacles, in a political context marked by the erosion of fundamental freedoms. We are constantly working to strengthen our network and develop strategies, particularly in the legal arena, to overcome certain difficulties and obtain satisfactory reparation for our beneficiaries. This report is an opportunity to share our concerns about these growing obstacles, which have serious consequences for victims, their families and Tunisian society as a whole.
The SANAD Report 2022-2023 is more than just a report on activities; it also serves to raise awareness. It is a reminder that the phenomenon of torture persists, and that it can affect anyone, at any time. It calls for vigilance and mobilization on everyone’s part to put an end to this scourge, which undermines the very foundations of « living together » and seriously threatens the future of Tunisian democracy.
Press contacts
Najla Talbi, Directrice SANAD, nt@omct.org
Helene Legeay, Directrice SANAD Elhaq, hl@omct.org