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Abused in front of her children

Ghofrane, 42 years, Tunis

Ghofrane lives alone with her 10-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son. She is an activist in a movement that advocates against Law 52, which represses cannabis consumption. One day in January 2023, she was surprised to see four agents in plainclothes arrive at her home. She had just received a visit from a friend who had come to bring medicine to treat her sick son. They searched her apartment on suspicion of drug trafficking. According to Ghofrane, when she asked to see the search warrant, the agent told her that he was the chief of a police station and therefore didn't need authorization.

The police took Ghofrane, her two children and her friend to the station.

One of the officers ordered her to open her cell phone. As Ghofrane refused to comply, the officer slapped her twice, in front of her terrified children. Ghofrane was handcuffed. She persisted in her refusal and demanded to be allowed to contact a lawyer. In retaliation, another officer tightened her handcuffs and insulted her, again in front of her children. The officers then threatened to fabricate a false accusation against Ghofrane, accusing her of prostitution.

She was then transferred to another station. There, according to Ghofrane, an officer drew up a report that reflected her statements. But another officer arrived, rewrote the procès-verbal and instructed Ghofrane to sign it without her being able to read it. She left the station at around 8pm, almost seven hours after her arrest. She is currently under investigation for drug trafficking.

Photos taken after her release and a medical report testify to the violence she suffered. SANAD Elhaq has filed a complaint for torture, taking into account the fact that the attack was inflicted in the presence of her two children, aged 10 and 9, which constitutes additional psychological violence. SANAD is also coordinating with public child protection services to provide psychological assistance to the two traumatized children.